
Davey Awards

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Ambert Rodriguez

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In 2023, Wheelhouse secured 12 Davey Awards, which honors the achievements of prestigious smaller agencies within the industry, for their projects with PDL Club, Shepherd Therapeutics, and F&S Contracting.

Wheelhouse’s work with PDL Club, the first peer-to-peer performance bike rental marketplace, won a Best in Show Davey Award for a Fitness Mobile App. Wheelhouse worked closely with the PDL Club team to fully understand the pain points of the cycling community, helping to develop a new website and app user interface with an engaging brand identity. In addition to Best in Show, the team also secured Gold Davey Awards for Best Visual Design Aesthetic and Best User Interface in the Mobile Features category.

Wheelhouse worked with Shepherd Therapeutics to conceive a website that uses a combination of animations and illustrations to tell the brand story and showcase its transformative AI platform, Delve — highlighting the company’s overarching efforts of personalizing medicine for every cancer patient at every stage of the disease. This project won Gold Davey Awards in Best Biotech, Best Use of Animation or Illustration for Websites, and Best Web Graphics for Websites, and two Silver awards for Best Pharmaceuticals and Best Visual Appeal.

Wheelhouse successfully developed a new website for content marketplace, which embodied the newly developed brand and focused on functionality and accessibility for users. This project received a Gold Davey Award for Best Professional Services and two Silver awards for Web App for Websites and Website Redesign.

Legacy New York contracting company, F&S Contracting, founded in 1910, entrusted the Wheelhouse team to create a completely fresh brand identity and modern website that further elevates its position as an expert in luxury home construction. This project ultimately secured a Gold Davey Award in Website Redesign.

Read more about Wheelhouse and our Chief Creative Officer, Ambert Rodriguez, who was recently honored as a Davey Awards Visionary, here.