
Introducing Flywheel


Ambert Rodriguez


Ambert Rodriguez

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Introducing Flywheel by Wheelhouse: Empowering Early-Stage Startups with Strategic Design

Early-stage startups often face the challenge of swiftly establishing a strong online presence. At Wheelhouse, we understand this urgency and the critical role that a cohesive brand plays in overcoming it. Introducing Flywheel by Wheelhouse, our new 30-day package designed exclusively for early-stage startups. This package ensures you get a robust brand, an intuitive website, and a pitch deck that captivates.

Punch Above Your Weight with a Well-Executed Brand

Exclusively tailored for early-stage startups, Flywheel helps you:

  • Win over customers and investors from the beginning
  • Break through in seasoned markets
  • Attract and retain top talent
  • Raise funds with assurance
  • Build and maintain customer trust

The Importance of Branding for Early-Stage Companies

As a tech startup founder, you’re vying for attention in a crowded space filled with thousands of other startups. So, how do you stand out?

“Brand” is often misunderstood and oversimplified to just a logo and a website. However, it encompasses much more. The reality is that 94% of first impressions are influenced by your website design, and 75% of visitors judge a company based on that design.

Branding is crucial even for early-stage B2B companies. For product-led growth companies, a strong brand is even more critical. Customers judge your brand against the best consumer experiences they’ve had, not just other B2B companies.

One of our clients, Ramon Berrios from, puts it this way:

“After our work with Wheelhouse, we went from a ‘startup’ to a validated and respected authority in our space. A true incumbent which ultimately led to a strategic acquisition from our biggest competitor in the space.”

Founders like Ramon face challenges and demands from every angle, and knowing how to approach branding can feel overwhelming. Having launched many brands and products, we aim to demystify the murkiness that can accompany all things brand-related and lay out a case for—and guide to—developing what we've come to call a “minimal viable brand” for your tech startup.

Why Brand; Why Now?

As an early-stage company, time is a precious resource. You need to quickly achieve meaningful milestones in customer acquisition and revenue. According to a survey, 81% of consumers need to trust a brand before they buy from it. To attract customers, your brand must inspire trust.

The competition for early-stage tech startups is fierce, and bidding on competitive search terms can be costly. A strong brand can reduce marketing costs and increase revenue by 33% through consistent presentation.

In the early stages, you’re likely still working on product-market fit and need to build and retain customer trust. A strong brand can help you navigate these challenges and enhance customer acquisition and retention.

What a Brand Is—and Isn’t

A brand is an ongoing process that uses symbols, words, and context to convey meaning and elicit responses. A brand is not just your logo, website, or product features. It’s a dynamic entity that transcends what you sell. While a company can guide and shape its brand, it’s ultimately defined by its customers. Your brand is a tool to create affinity and trust with your audience. It’s your responsibility to thoughtfully craft the elements that will inspire trust in your customers. Creating a brand may seem daunting, but building a minimal viable brand allows your startup to deliver a cohesive and memorable experience without excessive time, effort, or expense.

Get Started with Flywheel by Wheelhouse

With Flywheel, you can lay a strong foundation for your brand in just 30 days. Our package includes:

  • A compelling logo that resonates with your target audience
  • An intuitive website that leaves a lasting impression
  • An engaging pitch deck that captivates investors

Don’t let your startup blend into the background. Punch above your weight and build a brand that wins over customers and investors from the beginning. Contact us today to learn more about Flywheel by Wheelhouse and take the first step toward creating a powerful and impactful brand.

Learn more about Flywheel